Apparently I'm not a very good little blogger. Cardinal rule of blogging #1 is to post regularly but after starting work in Alberta and only having an iPad/no internet while I'm there things trailed off. Plus to be honest I have gotten very interested in reading many other people's blogs and they are just so damn good! Can sometimes be a bit intimidating. Oh well..... I have been doing lots of research lately and I have to start sharing some of these new revelations that have come into my life. Read on little reader.
Did you know that North Americans on average use 12 personal care products per day? I'm at about 9 before even getting to makeup. Did you know that MOST of these personal care products contain lots and lots of toxic chemicals?? You probably heard a little birdy saying that here or there... but you ignored it. I did for a very long time. They contain toxic chemicals that cause everything from cancer to reproductive problems. Sure you might not see the effects today or tomorrow and yes they only contain small amounts of these chemicals but I'm already sludging on 9 small doses of these chemicals every day! Thats before I count some of these products that I use twice!
So what do you do? You go into the drug store to buy new shampoo. You don't know what to think. You've never read labels on shampoo before. You don't know what all those big words mean. I know. I've been there already. Then you decide you want to be a responsible consumer, get away from all this crap, so you reach for the "Natural" or "Organic" or "Handmade" labelled (and more expensive) stuff thinking you're now on the right track! Nope discouraging I know. I've been there. These labels, although nice looking, generally mean didly squat. I'm here to help. Not only to just tell you to stop using this or that but to tell you of all the amazing options we do have out there! Many of them just don't have multi million dollar advertising campaigns... hence why you may not have heard of them...
Here is an informative video of my general opinion of today's cosmetic industry:
The Story of Cosmetics
In any case you will always have believers and non believers. No one wants to think that the shampoo they have been using for 15 years (I've seriously been using the same Redken shampoo for the last 12 years) is diluted toxic sludge! It's oh so sad but true. But I have good news. REALLY REALLY good news. There are tons and tons of fabulous, toxic chemical free products out there! Tons! I have more good news. Most of them don't cost any more than the regular stuff you buy!
I can't believe the amazing stuff I've found out there lately! Entrepreneurs are popping up everywhere! So amazing! Not only can you buy chemical free products, many of us now have the ability to buy locally, handmade, delicious products OR make our own! Products you could not only put on your body or face or your children's bodies but also products you could eat it you wanted to! (although I don't recommend this since they probably don't taste very good)
So I suppose this post could be viewed as a bit of a scare tactic. Lately I have been finding many scary facts about the world we now live in. I haven't been feeling more scared or secluded though. I've felt more empowered and fulfilled! Funny how that can happen. Since this post would be pages and pages long if I wrote everything I have learned in the past few months, I am going to post each type of product separately as to the options and companies I've discovered.
Ok here are a few more links:
Skindeep Database
This site is awesome. Run by the Environmental Working Group you can search their database for the very products you use everyday. Some I haven't been able to find but most are there for your viewing pleasure. See how your shampoo/skin cream/deoderant/whatever stacks up!
Dirty Dozen Chemicals
Take a look at the back of a few of your products to see if they contain one or more of these bad guys. If so, maybe consider switching companies when you finish off that bottle...
The Toxic Chemical Dictionary!
Chemicals listed from A to Z. Good guide if you cannot find a product on the skindeep database. You can evaluated it yourself. Also good for becoming better at reading labels yourself.
Once I had my revelation (which started with the discovery of SLS by the way) I didn't go through my house with a garbage bag and toss everything out (although some might). I've just been finishing off my toxic sludges one at a time and then replacing them with Uber Chic and cool, toxic sludge free amazingness! Pass the message along to your family and friends! Information is power!
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