Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Do you think going Green costs too much?

I often hear people say that going green is too expensive. Last time you went to buy laundry detergent the "eco" detergent was twice the price! Who can afford solar power for their home??!! We can't afford a hybrid car! Going green isn't about having the newest eco gimmick it is about living simply. Its about cutting back on what we don't need. Making more responsible choices and realizing that just because a company says we "need" something doesn't mean we actually do!

Take an honest look around your home. Open a few cupboards, closets and drawers. Take a look in your garage or the "spare room" that's off limits. How much of the "stuff" can you live without? Can you live without the happy meal toys, the swiffer dusters or disposable batteries? How about the shirt with the tags still on it, the deep fryer you took out once or the tennis rackets you thought you'd use?

When you start to see how little you need, it starts to become empowering. Here is "Becoming minimalist"s take on the domino effect of simply living that I would have to definitely agree with:

  • Cleaning out your closets –> leads to utilizing a smaller storage more effectively
  • Using a smaller storage more effectively –> leads to making fewer purchases
  • Making fewer purchases –> leads to saving more of your money
  • Saving more of your money –> leads to getting out of debt
  • Getting out of debt –> leads to less financial stress
  • Less financial stress –> leads to greater personal freedom
  • Greater personal freedom –> leads to more time to pursue your dreams
  • Time to pursue your dreams –> leads to increased happiness and personal fulfillment.
I listened to a really great speaker named Adam Hart (poweroffood.com) a few weeks ago and he said something very interesting that stayed with me. "Your ego likes to keep you comfortable" People generally do not like change. The purpose of my blog isn't to burn holes in wallets, preach deprivation or turn you into a modern day hippie. It's just to re-evaluate your choices and their impact on the earth, others around you and yourself.

We've been making only simple changes so far and I've already seen a positive impact on our lives. I can only hope that a few more people decide to make changes as well. And as the old saying goes.... 

Less IS more.

1 comment:

  1. I will have to work on this one...but it is worth it
