Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Hello? Anybody out there???

So today I had the grand idea to start a blog. Everybody's doin' it. K not everybody but with all this extra unemployed time on my hands lately and a severe budget cut coupled with lots of extra time for reading and web surfing... I've learned a few new things. Jeff and I have been working towards eating healthier and more sustainably and working towards a less waste lifestyle. I won't go into the blah blah blahs about Global Warming but well we believe in it and we also love skiing so we'd like to do our part in helping the snow fall. This will outline our exploits, ups, downs and adventures along the way. Hopefully some people read this... if not... well.. I can always count on my mom. Love you mom!


  1. aren't you cute! I'll read your blog, I love the various antics of Kelly's life
    - Melissa (hijacking Roland's account)

  2. Like your blog so far but the mountain background is making reading kind of difficult. You might want to try a different layout. Just a thought.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I will start making some changes.

  4. I love your blog and your recipes.....I think you should post your Salmon recipe.....I miss it
